Get Involved
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we depend on your donations to save our community’s wildlife.
When you choose to donate to us, you directly help to save lives, educate the community, and provide incredible opportunities to the people and animals that call North Carolina home!
Monetary contributions can be made through PayPal or Venmo and receipts are available upon request. Have another way you'd like to donate? Email us
Join Our Patreon Family
If you’d like to support Carolina Reptile Center's mission, please consider becoming a Patron on our Patreon page! Members gain access to Patreon-exclusive updates, videos, and live streams. Patreon is a fun and consistent way to contribute to CRC and helps us make a difference for sick and displaced reptiles. For more information or to join click the link below.
Thank You to Our Current Patrons!
Jaimie H.
Christina and James H.
Lynn S.
Kim H.
Shelby K.
Beth H.
Laura M.
Rachel C.
John S.
Become a Volunteer
Whether you want to assist with rescue and rehabilitation, foster an animal, teach at educational events, or help transport animals in need, we have a little something for everyone! As a non-profit we rely heavily on the invaluable contributions of volunteers, who play an integral role in fulfilling every part of our mission. Our goal is to offer volunteers unique and diverse opportunities that inspire them to be good stewards within their community.